AboutI promote only HIGHLY reputable casinos. Born during World War II, I grew up and worked in remote areas of Australia during an era that is long dead doing jobs that are now mostly redundant or non existant before drifting to the city. At age 55, I returned to school and gained Microsoft Certifications of MCSE and MCDBA but because of the IT industry downturn and my age, I was unable to gain employment in the industry. So I taught myself computer building and repairs, web publishing up to e-commerce solutions, flash animations, Asp and so far a bit of Linux and Php.. I now work freelance doing whatever comes my way in the above fields and from time to time as a licensed building contractor. Today, I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia about mid way between the Gold and Sunshine Coasts and close to many lesser beaches..Until about 30 years ago, there were no licensed casinos in Australia. The 'casinos' that did exist were all illegal and were run by the local equilavents of aspiring would be Al Capones. They were pretty sleazy, always in fortified derelict buildings in the back alleys of the 'big smoke' (larger city). Patrons objecting to management decisions were dealt with forthwith both summarily and physically. Today operators of licensed casinos in the developed western world have a huge investment in their business and an equally huge incentive to conduct their businesses professionally within the laws and regulations imposed by their government and in the best interests of their customers. Subscribers to our e-zime are advised of all special offers, incentives and playing competitions being promoted by all of our our associated casinos (from this and other sites) immediately we receive news of them . To subscribe to to my e-zime, please enter your e-mail address in the box at the top of the page. The e-zime will also features animated gambling and computer jokes as well as gambling type games which you may freely distribute. May lady luck ride upon your shoulder! Brioz webmaster at Winnersrun.com