Latest Gaming Club Promotions100% match bonus UP TO $150All new players downloading and making a first purchase at The Gaming Club Online Casino will receive a 100% match bonus up to $150 from Monday 14th July 2003. The Gaming Clubs GLOBETROTTER TOUR will take Players on an exciting journey to BIG WINNINGS this July! A 5 Star Caribbean Cruise for 4 people worth US$15,000 can be won! All you need to do is purchase and wager 100 credits ($, £ or €) at the casino between 7pm (EST), July 3 and 7pm (EST), August 3, 2003 to earnyour first entry into the Grand Prize Draw.Thereafter, every 75 credits ($, £ or €) that you purchase and wager (on any game) in the casino during the promotional period will earn another entry into the draw. There are also an additional 20,000 casino credits to be won in 8 different Globetrotter Game promotions this July. Click the link to the Gaming Club to find out about the latest interactive Globetrotter game promotion! 2,500 casino credits MUST BE WON! Get in on the action at the casino with MORE WINNERS, MORE OFTEN! Following the recent ammendments to U.S. online gambling legislation, this casino is no longer acceptng new players who reside in the U.S.. Visit the Gaming ClubReturn to News Page |